Empowering Excellence: nAG’s Commitment to Recognising Outstanding Student Talent

Published 16/01/2024 By NAG

nAG’s commitment to recognising and rewarding exceptional student talent remains steadfast. Through the many student awards that nAG presents we aim to inspire and encourage outstanding achievements in numerical, and computing disciplines. Among the awards to commendable students, is the longstanding accolade of Best Performance on the CDT in Fluid Dynamics at The University of Leeds. This award not only signifies academic prowess but also celebrates the dedication and passion that students bring to their studies. It’s our pleasure to announce Megan Richards, the recipient of this year’s award. Megan, in her own words, expressed her enthusiasm for the opportunities presented during her MSc journey:

“During my MSc programme, I was able to study a wide range of interesting topics and work on problems in fields far beyond my current PhD research. This has truly helped me to broaden my experience as a researcher, and I am very proud of all I have achieved. I have grown in confidence, co-authored my first paper and am making promising progress in my research into the theoretical analysis of fluid flow in microfluidic biomedical devices. I am really looking forward to seeing where the next few years (and beyond!) take me.”

Megan Richards

Here’s Megan receiving her award from University of Leeds Professor of Scientific Computing, Peter Jimack. Speaking about the programme and nAG award Professor Jimack said:

“The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Fluid Dynamics is a 4-year programme leading to the award of an integrated MSc and PhD in Fluid Dynamics. The Masters year allows us to provide a broad training in fluid dynamics, which includes a substantial component on numerical algorithms and software, meaning that all of our graduates have a high level of competency in these essential areas. The nAG prize recognises the best performance across all of the MSc components of the programme each year and Megan is a very deserving recipient, having achieved consistently high grades. Congratulations to Meg and thank you to nAG for your sponsorship of this award!”

nAG joins Peter in extending congratulations to Megan for being awarded the 2023 accolade. 

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