Wilkinson Prize

The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

Published 21/03/2014 By Katie O'Hare

In honour of the outstanding contributions of James Hardy Wilkinson to the field of numerical software, Argonne National Laboratory, the National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms Group award the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software (US $3000).

The 2015 prize will be awarded at the International Conference in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Beijing, China, August 2015. Entries must be received by July 1, 2014. Additional details on the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the official rules can be found here.

Submissions can be sent by email to wilkinson-prize@nag.co.uk, contact this address for further information.

Previous prizes have also been awarded at ICIAM:

1991 – Linda Petzold for DASSL
1995 – Chris Bischof and Alan Carle for ADIFOR 2.0
1999 – Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson for FFTW
2003 – Jonathan Shewchuk  for Triangle
2007 – Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann and Guido Kanschat for deal.II
2011 – Andreas Waechter and Carl D. Laird for Ipopt

Mike Dewar, Maurice Cox, Jorge Moré
Board of Trustees

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