Numerical Algorithms Group (the ‘Organisation’) aims to provide:

  • Robust, well documented, numerical and statistical software to its customers in a timely manner
  • Consultancy and Services to support customers in achieving high value performance and efficiency from their nAG products and the systems they employ
  • Customers with bespoke tools for customer use which may apply code which is not as well documented but is sufficient for customer purposes.

The Organisation operates a Quality Management System that has gained BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015 certification, including aspects specific to the design, implementation and provision of numerical and statistical software components and the provision of numerical software engineering, high performance computing and cloud services.

The management is committed to:

  1. Developing and improving the Quality Management System
  2. Continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
  3. Employing a lean management approach which is customer focussed.

The management has a continuing commitment to:

  1. Ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction
  2. Communicate throughout the Organisation the importance of meeting customer needs and all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements
  3. Maintain the Quality Policy and to set Quality Objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes
  4. Ensure that Management reviews validate the Quality Objectives, and report on the internal audit results as a means of monitoring and measuring the processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
  5. Ensure the availability of resources to support the Quality Management System.

The structure of the Quality Management System is defined in the Quality Manual.

All personnel understand the requirements of this Quality Policy and abide with the contents of the Quality Manual. The Organisation complies with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. The Organisation constantly monitors its quality performance and implements improvements when appropriate.

This Quality Policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure its continuing suitability.

Copies of the Quality Policy are made available to all members of staff and to relevant interested parties. Copies of the minutes of Management Reviews, or extracts thereof, are provided to individual members of staff in accordance with their role and responsibilities as a means of communicating the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

Signed: John Higgs

Name: John Higgs

Position: Chief Operational Officer

Date: 22nd October 2024


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