This manual relates to an old release of the Library.
The documentation for the current release is also available on this site.

NAG CL Interface
c09fcc (dim3_​multi_​fwd)

1 Purpose

c09fcc computes the three-dimensional multi-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The initialization function c09acc must be called first to set up the DWT options.

2 Specification

#include <nag.h>
void  c09fcc (Integer m, Integer n, Integer fr, const double a[], Integer lda, Integer sda, Integer lenc, double c[], Integer nwl, Integer dwtlvm[], Integer dwtlvn[], Integer dwtlvfr[], Integer icomm[], NagError *fail)
The function may be called by the names: c09fcc, nag_wav_dim3_multi_fwd or nag_mldwt_3d.

3 Description

c09fcc computes the multi-level DWT of three-dimensional data. For a given wavelet and end extension method, c09fcc will compute a multi-level transform of a three-dimensional array A, using a specified number, nfwd, of levels. The number of levels specified, nfwd, must be no more than the value lmax returned in nwlmax by the initialization function c09acc for the given problem. The transform is returned as a set of coefficients for the different levels (packed into a single array) and a representation of the multi-level structure.
The notation used here assigns level 0 to the input data, A. Level 1 consists of the first set of coefficients computed: the seven sets of detail coefficients are stored at this level while the approximation coefficients are used as the input to a repeat of the wavelet transform at the next level. This process is continued until, at level nfwd, all eight types of coefficients are stored. All coefficients are packed into a single array.

4 References

Wang Y, Che X and Ma S (2012) Nonlinear filtering based on 3D wavelet transform for MRI denoising URASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012:40

5 Arguments

1: m Integer Input
On entry: the number of rows of each two-dimensional frame.
Constraint: this must be the same as the value m passed to the initialization function c09acc.
2: n Integer Input
On entry: the number of columns of each two-dimensional frame.
Constraint: this must be the same as the value n passed to the initialization function c09acc.
3: fr Integer Input
On entry: the number of two-dimensional frames.
Constraint: this must be the same as the value fr passed to the initialization function c09acc.
4: a[dim] const double Input
Note: the dimension, dim, of the array a must be at least lda×sda×fr.
On entry: the m by n by fr three-dimensional input data A, where with Aijk stored in a[k-1×lda×sda+j-1×lda+i-1].
5: lda Integer Input
On entry: the stride separating row elements of each of the sets of frame coefficients in the three-dimensional data stored in a.
Constraint: ldam.
6: sda Integer Input
On entry: the stride separating corresponding coefficients of consecutive frames in the three-dimensional data stored in a.
Constraint: sdan.
7: lenc Integer Input
On entry: the dimension of the array c.
Constraint: lencnct, where nct is the total number of wavelet coefficients that correspond to a transform with nwl levels.
8: c[lenc] double Output
On exit: the coefficients of the discrete wavelet transform. If you need to access or modify the approximation coefficients or any specific set of detail coefficients then the use of c09fyc or c09fzc is recommended. For completeness the following description provides details of precisely how the coefficients are stored in c but this information should only be required in rare cases.
Let qi denote the number of coefficients of each type at level i, for i=1,2,,nfwd, such that qi= dwtlvm[nfwd-i]× dwtlvn[nfwd-i]× dwtlvfr[nfwd-i] . Then, letting k1=qnfwd and kj+1=kj+qnfwd-j/7+1, for j=1,2,,7nfwd, the coefficients are stored in c as follows:
c[i-1], for i=1,2,,k1
Contains the level nfwd approximation coefficients, anfwd. Note that for computational efficiency reasons these coefficients are stored as dwtlvm[0]× dwtlvn[0]× dwtlvfr[0] in c.
c[i-1], for i=kj+1,,kj+1
Contains the level nfwd-j/7+1 detail coefficients. These are:
  • LLH coefficients if j mod 7=1;
  • LHL coefficients if j mod 7=2;
  • LHH coefficients if j mod 7=3;
  • HLL coefficients if j mod 7=4;
  • HLH coefficients if j mod 7=5;
  • HHL coefficients if j mod 7=6;
  • HHH coefficients if j mod 7=0,
for j=1,,7nfwd. See Section 2.1 in the C09 Chapter Introduction for a description of how these coefficients are produced.
Note that for computational efficiency reasons these coefficients are stored as dwtlvfr[j/7-1] × dwtlvm[j/7-1] × dwtlvn[j/7-1] in c.
9: nwl Integer Input
On entry: the number of levels, nfwd, in the multi-level resolution to be performed.
Constraint: 1nwllmax, where lmax is the value returned in nwlmax (the maximum number of levels) by the call to the initialization function c09acc.
10: dwtlvm[nwl] Integer Output
On exit: the number of coefficients in the first dimension for each coefficient type at each level. dwtlvm[i-1] contains the number of coefficients in the first dimension (for each coefficient type computed) at the (nfwd-i+1)th level of resolution, for i=1,2,,nfwd.
11: dwtlvn[nwl] Integer Output
On exit: the number of coefficients in the second dimension for each coefficient type at each level. dwtlvn[i-1] contains the number of coefficients in the second dimension (for each coefficient type computed) at the (nfwd-i+1)th level of resolution, for i=1,2,,nfwd.
12: dwtlvfr[nwl] Integer Output
On exit: the number of coefficients in the third dimension for each coefficient type at each level. dwtlvfr[i-1] contains the number of coefficients in the third dimension (for each coefficient type computed) at the (nfwd-i+1)th level of resolution, for i=1,2,,nfwd.
13: icomm[260] Integer Communication Array
On entry: contains details of the discrete wavelet transform and the problem dimension as setup in the call to the initialization function c09acc.
On exit: contains additional information on the computed transform.
14: fail NagError * Input/Output
The NAG error argument (see Section 7 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface).

6 Error Indicators and Warnings

Dynamic memory allocation failed.
See Section 3.1.2 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.
On entry, argument value had an illegal value.
Either the communication array icomm has been corrupted or there has not been a prior call to the initialization function c09acc.
The initialization function was called with wtrans=Nag_SingleLevel.
On entry, fr=value.
Constraint: fr=value, the value of fr on initialization (see c09acc).
On entry, m=value.
Constraint: m=value, the value of m on initialization (see c09acc).
On entry, n=value.
Constraint: n=value, the value of n on initialization (see c09acc).
On entry, nwl=value.
Constraint: nwl1.
On entry, lda=value and m=value.
Constraint: ldam.
On entry, lenc=value.
Constraint: lencvalue, the total number of coefficents to be generated.
On entry, nwl=value and nwlmax=value in c09acc.
Constraint: nwlnwlmax in c09acc.
On entry, sda=value and n=value.
Constraint: sdan.
An internal error has occurred in this function. Check the function call and any array sizes. If the call is correct then please contact NAG for assistance.
See Section 7.5 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
See Section 8 in the Introduction to the NAG Library CL Interface for further information.

7 Accuracy

The accuracy of the wavelet transform depends only on the floating-point operations used in the convolution and downsampling and should thus be close to machine precision.

8 Parallelism and Performance

c09fcc is not threaded in any implementation.

9 Further Comments

The example program shows how the wavelet coefficients at each level can be extracted from the output array c. Denoising can be carried out by applying a thresholding operation to the detail coefficients at every level. If cij is a detail coefficient then c^ij=cij+σεij and σεij is the transformed noise term. If some threshold parameter α is chosen, a simple hard thresholding rule can be applied as
c¯ ij = 0, if ​ c^ij α c^ij , if ​ c^ij > α,  
taking c¯ij to be an approximation to the required detail coefficient without noise, cij. The resulting coefficients can then be used as input to c09fdc in order to reconstruct the denoised signal. See Section 10 in c09fzc for a simple example of denoising.
See the references given in the introduction to this chapter for a more complete account of wavelet denoising and other applications.

10 Example

This example computes the three-dimensional multi-level discrete wavelet decomposition for 7×6×5 input data using the biorthogonal wavelet of order 1.1 (set wavnam=Nag_Biorthogonal1_1 in c09acc) with periodic end extension, prints a selected set of wavelet coefficients and then reconstructs and verifies that the reconstruction matches the original data.

10.1 Program Text

Program Text (c09fcce.c)

10.2 Program Data

Program Data (c09fcce.d)

10.3 Program Results

Program Results (c09fcce.r)